Monday, October 8, 2007


Yep, Austin did it! He passed his black belt qualifications! I am so proud of him. Especially since it wasn't easy--but, he perservered and he did it! As soon as I get some pics downloaded, I'll get some on here!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Saturday is IT! Austin's BIG day that he's been working for the past 3 + years. He is doing his black belt qualification test! This will be an intense, 3 1/2 hour long test. He has to know all his forms and combos that he's learned since he was a white belt. AND he has to prove his sparring skills against 2 degree black belts. AND he has to break boards. AND he has to do 10 tornando kick, spin wheels PERFECTLY in a row. Not to mention more that I'm sure I don't remember as just a regular non karate person. I am so proud of him and not to mention nervous! Although, oddly, Austin is not nervous at all!! But, mostly, I am in awe of Austin. At the age of 10, I think my biggest goal was to find a good spot to eat in the lunch room! Austin has completed a goal that most adults wouldn't even attempt. He had a dream and he went for it! Austin has taught me a lot over the past few years about not letting fear stand in your way. What an inspiration he is to me. I have decided do what Austin has done--go after my dreams and not let ANYTHING stand in my way! Thank you Austin--I love you!!