Thursday, September 4, 2008

This can't be normal

I've decided there are certain things in my life that just aren't normal. Maybe you can share some of your insight with me to let me know I'm not the only crazy one out there!! For example:

*I'm pretty sure toilet bowl cleaner isn't supposed to produce SMOKE when you pour it in the toilet--is mine just that bacteria ridden that the toilet bowl cleaner has to burn it off?!?!?!?

*My dog growls at me whenever I walk by him (okay, this may have to do with the fact that I call him 'that little dog' with much disdain in my voice)

*I found a stray cat sleeping in the middle of my living room floor this morning (she apparently broke through the screen on one of our windows)

*I keep dreaming that I can't remember my locker combo (I've been out of school for19 years!!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.